Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sorry Im so late...

Here is the thursday weekly sketch from I am soooo sorry I didn't post this sooner, as it is due no later then tomorrow! argh!!! I thought I would still post it for inspiration anyways because it is so awesome! I promise to post the next weeks sketch, which is tomorrow on time my friends! That way everyone can join in and maybe win? Sound good?...hope so...thanks for stopping by, see ya soon!

Card Sketch Challenge

Here is the link...
to find the sketch I used to make this card, you still have time to join in. It is not due until march 31st...hope to see you there! Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

New Design Team....blogs!!!!!!!

Hello everyone, I hope you all are being creative today! If you are looking for some inspiration, here are a list of blogs from the Pages in Time Design Team! You will love what you see much talent from these wonderful ladies! Hope you all enjoy!...The first link is the pages in time site...please c'mon over and check out all the good stuff happening over there, new team, new challenges, new sketches and will love it!!!!.....

happy blogging my friends!!!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

WOW 1 Year full of scrapkits...for free!!!!

Can you imagine getting one full year of scrappy goody kits for free? It is very possible over at
You seriously want to stop over and check out how you can win this great prize!!! So easy peasy.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thursday Sketch-Win some goodies!!!!

Thursday's sketch is up and it is so inspiring!!!! Becky Neeman on the DT at Pages In Time (PIT) does all the sketches for this challenge, and I just love them all!!!! She is doing a fabulous job! Come on over and see for yourself, I guarantee you will not be disappointed. Here is the link to the sketch!

While you are there check out the gallery for some breathtaking inspiration, or stop in the forum and join in on a challenge. Alot of good stuff coming in April too! Hope to see you there!

Awesome GIVEAWAY!!!

Check out this awesome prize pkg!!!! Come on over to Jessica's blog and help celebrate life! Jessica is pregnant, after coming through a rough time with it, and she is celebrating by having a giveaway! All you have to do is become a follower of her blog and leave a wonderful comment on any miracle you have had! Yummy stuff ladies!!!! Here is her blog addy:
Here is a pic of just PART of the yummy prize!